The attached permit _________________ is to be filled out prior to any connection to, or modification of existing water or sewer services attached to City owned lines. This permit is to be filled out sequentially in four parts.
- Application – To be obtained from City Hall, completed and turned back in to City Hall for approval by the requesting party.
- City of Postville – Pre-construction Approval. To be granted by the City of Postville after review of the application and upon payment of applicable fees to the City Clerk. At this time, it is the City’s right to consult with, or defer to the City Engineer prior to approval. The city may also at this time require a schedule so that a City representative may be on-site during the actual construction or tap.
- Submittal of as built plans – After work is completed as-builts must be returned to City Hall before the installation is approved.
- Inspection – After receiving as-builts, the City reserves the right to send a representative to do a final inspection of the work prior to final approval of this permit.
Granting of this permit by the City is for the sole purpose of approving the connection to city owned lines or facilities, or modification of existing water or sewer services. This permit in no way addresses the legality of the work being completed in regards to any aspect aside from the connection to City water or sewer. Nor does it address the quality of design or implementation of the project, separate from City owned mains. It is entirely the requesting party’s responsibility to acquire all necessary easements, permits, and approval from all pertinent parties.
Please provide a diagram or plans and attach to this form. Be complete.
- Show all valves, meters, backflow prevention devices, elbows, taps, and fixtures. Include the distance between each device, and it’s position within the project (ie basement).
- Provide a map with dimensions of curb shut-off and service line in relation to a fixed object (ie: NE corner of house, etc), and the point at which it will be connected to the City main.
- Specify size and type of lines.
- If applicable provide all IDNR permits and data, as well as any easement information.
- If City water mains will need to be shut off to complete the work, justification and scheduling must be provided to the City Water Dept. in advance for approval.
The city will provide you with one 5/8” water meter per tap. If you require larger or additional meters, please specify and explain your requirements. Include number of fixtures, anticipated high and low flows (in gpm) to justify a larger meter. The customer will be responsible for the difference in costs greater than a 5/8” meter.
Cross-connection Control
The City will be conducting a cross-control risk assessment upon completion of your project. Please contact the city about any potential cross-connections and backflow prevention devices before starting the project. Should a backflow preventer be deemed necessary, it is the applicant’s responsibility to obtain an inspection from a licensed tester immediately upon completion of the project. City staff can assist you in locating a licensed tester.
I agree that when this permit is granted, the work shall be done in such a manner as to cause as little inconvenience to the public, and be carried out in such a way as to avoid accidents. I understand that all work must be done in accordance with City of Postville ordinances and Iowa State Plumbing Code. I agree that all city property including streets, boulevards, and meter will be returned to good working condition upon completion of the work. I understand that I am responsible for the integrity of the work, and that the City of Postville holds no liability for the design or implementation of this project.