The City of Postville yard waste collection program begins in April. The program is tentatively scheduled to continue through October. Because the City’s yard waste program is very costly and labor intensive, all yard waste will be collected by city crews on the specified MONDAYS listed below.

  • April 7, 14, 21, 28
  • May 5, 12, 19, 27 (Tues.)
  • June 9, 23
  • July 7, 21
  • August 4, 18
  • September 2 (TUE), 8, 15, 22, 29
  • October 6, 13, 20, 27

ALL YARD WASTE MUST BE SET OUT AT THE CURBLINE BEFORE 7:00 A.M. ON THOSE SPECIFIED DAYS. It is to be noted, however, that in the event the crews are unable to complete the collection on Monday, they will continue on Tuesday where they left off until the routes are completed. Once they have gone through your area of town, they will not be back until the next scheduled collection date.

Because the yard waste is composted, only leaves, grass clippings, garden waste, bark, nuts, pinecones-what nature deposits, should be put into cardboard boxes or paper bags only. Commercially manufactured “Lawn and Leaf” bags may be purchased at John’s Hardware in Postville. A box or a bag must not weigh more than 50 pounds. The bags are to be left open on the top and placed at the curbside for pick up. ANY OTHER MEANS OF PACKAGING YARD WASTE MATERIAL WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED AND WILL BE LEFT AT THE CURB.


** TREE BRANCH POLICY ** Tree branches will be picked up by city crews from curbside only from April 7 through May 30 and from September 2 through October 27. All other times, property owners are responsible for delivering any trimmed tree branches up to 6 inches in diameter and cut into 4-foot lengths to the designated drop off location at the compost site.

Learn More about the City’s Compost Site

Posted in Community News