Our Postville Community Heart & Soul
Postville is currently engaged in the community heart & soul process. Community Heart & Soul is a resident-driven process that engages the entire population of a town in identifying what they love most about their community, what future they want for it, and how to achieve it.
Community Heart & Soul begins with a four-phase, step-by-step process that brings residents together to identify and honor the unique character of their town and the emotional connection of the people who live there.
Crystal Duffy
(563) 864-7600
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City Resolution to Adopt Heart & Soul Statements
WHEREAS, the residents of Postville have been engaged in a two-year innovative exploration of community values and prepared value statements for the City of Postville; and
WHEREAS, extensive public input shaped the values through the course of public events, activities, surveys, workshops, and personal interviews; and
WHEREAS, countless volunteer hours were devoted by Postville residents to engage all voices in the community, particularly those who may have been missing from other planning processes; and
WHEREAS, the recognition of these values will provide a framework for value-based decision-making for future policy and strategic planning for the City of Postville,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF POSTVILLE, IOWA, to recognize the following statements as deeply-shared values that can provide helpful guidance and insights as we engage our residents in shaping the future of our town:
- We value community events that bring us together, help us learn about the diversity of our town and help build a more cohesive community.
- We nurture our diverse populations, which we see in our schools, businesses and throughout our community. This diversity gives our town a richness of experiences not available in other towns of our size.
- We value our safe, peaceful community which can be seen through the large number of people and families out walking and utilizing the variety of community amenities we have. This sense of safety motivates residents to stay in town and encourages others to move here.
- We value our vibrant local businesses where we can eat and shop. These businesses contribute to the uniqueness and economic vibrancy of our community.
- Our community values our many resources for education that our youth have in town including the schools and early childhood resources. These resources help support the wellness of our families and our community at large.
- Postville prides itself on being a welcoming community to all newcomers. Established residents, schools, local businesses and the city are invested in services that support the health, wellness and safety of newcomers.
- We value our strong community leaders and volunteers and are committed to creating pathways for everyone in the community to be involved.
PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the POSTVILLE, Iowa City Council on this 13th day of November, 2023.
Originally Signed by Dennis Koenig, Mayor and Darcy Radloff, City Clerk
Our Postville Community Heart & Soul Team
Core Team Members
- Crystal Duffy
Project Coordinator (November 2022 - June 2024) - Felecia DeJong
Project Coordinator (November 2021 - July 2022) - Melanie Bauch
Director, Northeast Iowa Wellness and Recreation Center - Mary Engstrom
Postville City Council Member - Austin Feuerhelm
Videographer RC&D - Brenda Hackman
Manager of Economic Development, Allamakee-Clayton Electric Cooperative
- Julie Heitland
Postville School Library Director (retired) - Darcy Radloff
Postville City Clerk - Val Reinke
Executive Director, Allamakee County Economic Development & Tourism - Kristy Turner
Director, Postville Childcare
Community Volunteers
Community Volunteers who helped the core team complete the Community Heart & Soul process
- Laura Castillo
NEICAC - Sean Duffy
Postville High School Volleyball Coach - Tim Dugger
Superintendent Postville School District (former) - Barb Herzmann
Board President, Postville Food Pantry - Devora Klein-Mahr
Postville City Council Member
- Brendan Knudtson
Superintendent Postville School District - Stephani Ortiz
Assistant Librarian, Postville Public Library - Carrie Sholly
Assistant Librarian, Postville Public Library
Organizations that participated our Community Chats
- Chabad of North East Iowa
- City of Postville
- Helping Services
- ISU Extension
- Postville Childcare
- Postville City Council members
- Postville Food Pantry
- Postville Public Library
- Vocational Rehab

When did the work get done?
- August 2021: Received Heart & Soul seed grant
- October 2021: Project Coordinator/ Community Developer hired
- November 2021: Shared Heart & Soul core team formation with the public
- January 2022: Our first training! Phase 1 Training
- Feb 2023: Phase 1 complete. Phase 2 started!
- Mar - July 2023: Stories collected
- Aug - Oct 2023: Shared out our data/findings with the community
- Nov 2023: H&S Statements written and adopted by city council! Phase 2 complete/started Phase 3
- Nov 2023 - Jan 2024: Collected ideas for action from surveys, story gathering and further ideas from community
- Feb - Apr 2024: Narrowed down ideas for action and started making Action Plan
- May 2024: Action Plan shared with the public!

COMMUNITY DATA - Who did we hear from?
- Female 65.6%
- Male 32.6%
- Other/prefer not to identify: 1.9%
- 5-19 29.8%
- 20-24 3.8%
- 25-34 16.3%
- 35-44 17.8%
- 45-54 11.5%
- 55-64 7.2%
- 65+ 13.5%
- City of Postville 68.2%
- Rural farm 14.5%
- Rural residential 7%
- Other 10.3%
- Less than $25k 18.4%
- $25-49k 26.6%
- $50-74k 23.7%
- $75-99k 17.9%
- More than $100k 13.5%
- White 65%
- Latino 25.3%
- Black or African American 4.2%
- Asian American 2.5%
- Native American 1.7%
- Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander 1.3%
- Less than 5 years 15.9%
- 5-10 years 17.3%
- 11-20 years 35.4%
- 21+ years 31.4%
- Postville Public School 67.3%
- Bais Chaya Mushka 13.5%
- Oholei Menuchem 8.3%
- Another school not in town 7.7%
- Mesivta of Postville 1.9%
- Home school 1.3%
- English 78.4%
- Spanish 13%
- Hebrew 4.3%
- Somali 3.1%
- Ukrainian 1.2%

Community Events - We value community events that bring us together, help us learn about the diversity of our town and help build a more cohesive community.
Diversity - We nurture our diverse populations, which we see in our schools, businesses and throughout our community. This diversity gives our town a richness of experiences not available in other towns of our size.
Safety - We value our safe, peaceful community which can be seen through the large number of people and families out walking and utilizing the variety of community amenities we have. This sense of safety motivates residents to stay in town and encourages others to move here.
Local Business - We value our vibrant local businesses where we can eat and shop. These businesses contribute to the uniqueness and economic vibrancy of our community.
Education - Our community values our many resources for education that our youth have in town including the schools and early childhood resources. These resources help support the wellness of our families and our community at large.
Welcoming - Postville prides itself on being a welcoming community to all newcomers. Established residents, schools, local businesses and the city are invested in services that support the health, wellness and safety of newcomers.
Volunteerism & Leadership - We value our strong community leaders and volunteers and are committed to creating pathways for everyone in the community to be involved.
IDEAS FOR ACTION - What are we going to do?
Community Events
- Bring back Taste of Postville
- Continue to provide space and financial support for our Farmer’s Market
- Create a system to advertise community events that the entire community can use
- Create a community checklist for how to schedule things so that our entire community feels welcome, and is able to attend (i.e. religious holidays, fasting, etc.)
- Schedule community events throughout the year that help us meet our neighbors and learn more about their culture (ex. cooking classes featuring different ethnic cuisines)
- Create a newcomer welcoming committee
- Host ESL classes in town
- Create a welcoming document for newcomers
- Create a committee that works with the city council to ensure the needs of all cultures are being met
- Help immigrants in town on their path to citizenship/permanent residence
- Better advertising for language resources available in town (i.e. free software available at the library, online ESL courses, soon to be in town ESL courses)
- Ensure that rental properties are well maintained and safe for residents
- Educate our community about renter’s rights
- Clean up derelict properties throughout the community
- Improve lighting throughout town
- Fix sidewalks
- Support tenant rights for renters
- Connect bike path by Norplex
- Create law enforcement programs that involve immigrants
Local Business
- Clean up downtown business windows/entryways
- Ensure all local businesses have signage that can be seen from the front of the business
- Create a community developer position at the city
- Support the local medical clinics and keep them in town
- Provide resources to help local businesses succeed
- Install string lights across Greene St.
- Seek grant funding to do façade improvements
- Expand the library’s ability to connect residents with information, resources and each other
- Continue to support headstart to ensure they will remain in the community
- Continue to support Postville Childcare so that it will remain open
- Host Spanish language classes in town
- Create an internship program to link high school students with local businesses
- Create an early childcare coalition
- Create a welcoming document for newcomers
- Find a permanent location in town for clothes/homegoods/supplies so that we are ready to support folks when they get here
- Recognize and contribute to Postville School’s role in welcoming new arrivals
- Foster partnerships with community groups and social service agencies to serve newcomers
- Create a newcomer welcoming committee
- Put important information on city bills (in relevant languages)
- Improved language access at public events
Volunteerism & Leadership
- Create a community betterment group
- Take intentional steps to ensure there is diverse representation on city council and the welcoming committee
- Educate local (city, county and state) government departments and officials about the demographics of our community and create access to tools to serve these residents
- Create strategies and events to connect residents with volunteer opportunities
- Create a recognition program for organizations and volunteers that provide services in our community

And the community partners who’ve done the work
Postville Farmer’s Market was started by the RC&D and is starting its 5th year in July
Community Events | Local Business
A welcoming committee, Heart of Postville (Alma de Postville in Spanish), has been formed by the Heart & Soul team
Diversity | Welcoming
Sam Robertson (Iowa Migratory Education Program) and Crystal Duffy (Our Postville) worked with NICC to get ESL classes back in town starting May 2024 at the NEIAWRC
Education | Diversity
The city is ensuring that derelict properties around town are being cleaned up and fixed up, and several properties are being addressed currently
Sidewalks on the 18/52 and 51 are being redone by IDOT in Summer 2024
A community developer will be hired by the city for the 24-25 fiscal year
Community Events | Local Business | Welcoming | Diversity
A newcomer document has been started by the Heart & Soul team and passed on to Heart of Postville for completion
The welcoming committee is looking for a location to store clothes and home goods in town for new arrivals